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Moving Fluidly - a Continuum Movement immersion

I am excited to invite you to a day dedicated to fluid movement and exploration with Continuum teacher-in-training and dancer Louise Mochia (DK).

Continuum Movement is a somatic movement modality – a form of deep meditation with movement, sound and breath, focusing our attention on the body being water.

In the first part of the day, you will be introduced to the key elements of a CM ‘dive’, exploring fluid movement in the body and how this can help to calm the nervous system. Connecting inwardly, with internal presence and awareness being at the core of CM, we will be practicing ‘going in’ and finding wave motion in a set sequence of breaths and sounds, which we call a 'dive’.

In the second part of the day, we will move deeper into fluid moving – now with more emphasis on the internal sensation of fluid movement, noticing the changes in our tissues along the way. Sensation can be a guide for awakening the body’s mysteries, activating a nurturing life force. We will be using different breaths and sounds, ending the day with one more ‘dive’ into the fluid systems of the body. We close each session with questions and conversation about the experiences.


Times: 10.00-16.30, with lunch 12.30-13.30
Location: Central Malmö.
Language: English

Please bring warm and comfortable clothes and a bottle of water. You are welcome to bring food and drink ready for the break so that you will have time to rest a little in between the sessions.

For any questions contact organizer Gustaf Sörnmo - gustaf.sornmo@protonmail.com

29 mars

Helgkurs "Kraniosakralterapi för hemmabruk"