Rekommenderad läsning
Här har jag listat litteratur för den som vill lära sig mer om kraniosakral terapi, somatiskt arbete, holistisk filosofi, trauma m.m. Mycket nöje!
Kraniosakral terapi
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy vol 1-6 (Michael Shea)
Cranial Intelligence (Ged Sumner & Steve Haines)
Engaging the Movement of Life (Bonnie Gintis)
Interface – Mechanisms of Spirit in Osteopathy (R. Paul Lee)
Somato-Emotional Release (John Upledger)
Spirit into Form (Cherionna Menzam-Sills)
The Breath of Life (Cherionna Menzam-Sills)
The Biodynamics of the Immune System (Michael J. Shea)
The Heart of Listening vol. 1 and 2 (Hugh Milne)
Your Inner Physician and You (John Upledger)
Wisdom in the Body: The Craniosacral Approach to Essential Health (Michael Kern)
Somatisk terapi, neurobiologi och trauma
A Healing Space (Matt Licata)
Anchored (Deb Dana)
Focusing (Eugene Gendlin)
Healing Developmental Trauma (Laurence Heller & Aline LaPierre)
It didn’t start with you (Mark Wolynn)
Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality (Darcia Narvaez)
No Bad Parts (Richard Schwartz)
Nurturing Resilience (Kathy L. Kain & Stephen J. Terrell)
Relational and Body-Centered Practices fo Healing Trauma (Sharon Stanley)
Restoring the Kinship Worldview (Darcia Narvaez)
Right-Brain Psychotherapy (Allan N. Schore)
Somatic Internal Family Systems Therapy (Susanne McConnell)
The Body Keeps the Score (Bessel van der Kolk)
The Myth of Normal (Gabor Maté)
The Ethics of Caring (Kylea Taylor)
Relationer and anknytningsteori
Art of Giving and Receiving – The Wheel of Consent (Betty Martin)
Becoming Animal (David Abram)
Emotional Intimacy (Robert Augustus Masters)
The Power of Attachment (Diane Poole Heller)
Listening to the Heart (Kittisaro & Thanissara)
Love Letter to the Earth (Thich Nhat Hanh)
Self-Compassion (Kristin Neff)
Somatic Descent (Reginald A. Ray)
Spiritual Bypassing (Robert Augustus Masters)
The Awakening Body (Reginald A. Ray)
The Monkey Is the Messenger (Ralph de la Rosa)
Touching Enlightenment (Reginald A. Ray)
Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness (David Treleaven)
Zen Mind, Beginners Mind (Shunryu Suzuki)
Holistisk filosofi
Breaking Together (Jem Bendell)
Dark Night, Early Dawn (Christopher M. Bache)
Human Heart, Cosmic Heart (Thomas Cowan)
Human: Instructions for Use (Nara Petrovic)
Life on Land (Emelie Conrad)
Realms of the Human Unconscious (Stanislav Grof)
Sacred Medicine (Lissa Rankin)
Science Ideated (Bernardo Kastrup)
Soulcraft (Bill Plotkin)
The Ascent of Humanity (Charles Eisenstein)
The Embodied Mind (Thomas Verny)
The Flip (Jeffrey J. Kripal)
The Living Classroom (Christopher M. Bache)
The Master and his Emissary (Iain McGilchrist)
The Metaphysics of Technology (David Skrbina)
The More Beautiful Worlds Our Heart Know is Possible (Charles Eisenstein)
The Secret of Resilience (Stephanie Mines)
The Science Delusion (Rupert Sheldrake)
The Withway (Paul Cudenec)
World as Lover, World as Self (Joanna Macy)